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Query: NC_005957:3975192:3996624 Bacillus thuringiensis serovar konkukian str. 97-27, complete

Start: 3996624, End: 3997922, Length: 1299

Host Lineage: Bacillus thuringiensis; Bacillus; Bacillaceae; Bacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: This organism was isolated from a case of severe human tissue necrosis which is unusual since human infections by this organism are rare. Produces insect toxinT his organism, also known as BT, is famous for the production of an insecticidal toxin. The bacterium was initially discovered as a pathogen of various insects and was first used as an insecticidal agent in the early part of this century. This organism, like many other Bacilli, is found in the soil, where it leads a saprophytic existence, but becomes an opportunistic pathogen of insects when ingested. The specific activity of the toxin towards insects and its lack of toxicity to animals has made this organism a useful biocontrol agent. The delta-endotoxin, which is produced during the sporulation part of the life cycle, causes midgut paralysis and disruption of feeding by the infected insect host. The delta-endotoxin, which is produced during the sporulation part of the life cycle, causes midgut paralysis and disruption of feeding by the infected insect host. The delta-endotoxin, which is produced during the sporulation part of the life cycle, causes midgut paralysis and disruption of feeding by the infected insect host. The presence of a parasporal crystal, which is outside the exosporium of the endospore, is indicative of production of the toxin, and serves as a marker for this species.Activation of the toxin typically requires a high pH environment such as the alkaline environments in insect midguts followed by proteolysis. Various toxin genes specific for a variety of insects have been studied, and many are now being used in genetically modified plants which have been engineered to produce the toxin themselves, eliminating the need to produce sufficient amounts of B. thuringiensis spores.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_014335:3902155:3919543391954339208411299Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis str. CI chromosome, completestage IV sporulation protein B0877
NC_007530:3992228:4010160401016040114581299Bacillus anthracis str. 'Ames Ancestor', complete genomestage iv sporulation protein b0875
NC_003997:3993223:4010033401003340113311299Bacillus anthracis str. Ames, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B0875
NC_005945:3992600:4010532401053240118301299Bacillus anthracis str. Sterne, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B0875
NC_003909:3941282:3957100395710039583981299Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B0872
NC_011969:3879412:3898270389827038995681299Bacillus cereus Q1 chromosome, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein b0872
NC_016779:3913627:3931563393156339328521290Bacillus cereus F837/76 chromosome, complete genomeStage IV sporulation protein B0871
NC_012659:3992684:4010060401006040113491290Bacillus anthracis str. A0248, complete genomeSpoIVB peptidase0870
NC_004722:4117459:4133561413356141348591299Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579, complete genomeStage IV sporulation protein B0835
NC_011772:4125996:4143930414393041452191290Bacillus cereus G9842, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B0831
NC_017208:4166008:4182105418210541833941290Bacillus thuringiensis serovar chinensis CT-43 chromosome, completestage IV sporulation protein B0830
NC_011725:4159000:4175718417571841770071290Bacillus cereus B4264 chromosome, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B0829
NC_009674:2923707:2939223293922329405211299Bacillus cytotoxicus NVH 391-98 chromosome, complete genomepeptidase S55 sporulation stage IV protein B0781
NC_014171:4039120:4056288405628840573551068Bacillus thuringiensis BMB171 chromosome, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B0684
NC_016593:2447938:2477204247720424784991296Geobacillus thermoleovorans CCB_US3_UF5 chromosome, completestage IV sporulation protein B1e-154546
NC_016047:2480921:2499754249975425010341281Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii TU-B-10 chromosome, completePDZ domain serine protease and stage IV sporulation protein B1e-149530
NC_014377:1227850:1267083126708312683961314Thermosediminibacter oceani DSM 16646 chromosome, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B8e-87321
NC_009699:2056500:2056822205682220580481227Clostridium botulinum F str. Langeland chromosome, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B2e-83310
NC_010516:1999500:1999760199976020009861227Clostridium botulinum B1 str. Okra, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B2e-83310
NC_010520:2061502:2064584206458420658101227Clostridium botulinum A3 str. Loch Maree, complete genomestage IV sporulation protein B2e-82306
NC_020134:2193900:2213181221318122144521272Clostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium DSM 8532, completeSpoIVB peptidase3e-75282
NC_014657:1193985:1210830121083012120681239Caldicellulosiruptor owensensis OL chromosome, complete genomestage iv sporulation protein b6e-57221
NC_017297:2054000:205692220569222057344423Clostridium botulinum F str. 230613 chromosome, complete genome6e-36152
NC_017297:2054000:205756620575662058147582Clostridium botulinum F str. 230613 chromosome, complete genome8e-1582