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Query: NC_003143:2849377 Yersinia pestis CO92, complete genome

D: 33.8521

Host Lineage: Yersinia pestis; Yersinia; Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This strain is a recent Orientalis subtype isolated in the USA from a patient who died of pneumonic plague after acquiring the disease from an infected cat. Causative agent of plague. Specific virulence factors are encoded within pathogenicity islands (PAIs) that are required for the invasive phenotype associated with Yersinia infections. One key virulence plasmid contained by the three human-specific pathogens is pCD1/pYv, which encodes a type III secretion system for the delivery of virulence proteins that contribute to internalization into the host cell. It is the causative agent of plague (bubonic and pulmonary) a devastating disease which has killed millions worldwide. The organism can be transmitted from rats to humans through the bite of an infected flea or from human-to-human through the air during widespread infection. Yersinia pestis is an extremely pathogenic organism that requires very few numbers in order to cause disease, and is often lethal if left untreated. The organism is enteroinvasive, and can survive and propagate in macrophages prior to spreading systemically throughout the host. Yersinia pestis consists of three biotypes or serovars, Antiqua, Mediavalis, and Orientalis, that are associated with three major pandemics throughout human history. pMT1 encodes a protein, murine toxin, that aids rat-to-human transmission by enhancing survival of the organism in the flea midgut. Yersinia pestis also contains a PAI on the chromosome that is similar to the SPI-2 PAI from Salmonella that allows intracellular survival in the organism.

Number of Neighbours: 36

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandSubject Host Description Compositional Similarity Proposed Island FlowSubject Island D
NC_010634:3269010*Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/+, complete genome76.0601 %Subject ←→ Query28.5333
NC_015224:279037Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica 105.5R(r) chromosome,78.0178 %Subject ←→ Query28.7938
NC_010468:1343228Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, complete genome75.0735 %Subject ←→ Query29.0512
NC_012912:4737703Dickeya zeae Ech1591, complete genome76.4982 %Subject ←→ Query29.5142
NC_015968:204969*Enterobacter asburiae LF7a chromosome, complete genome76.3082 %Subject ←→ Query30.2205
NC_012880:1711062*Dickeya dadantii Ech703, complete genome75.6648 %Subject ←→ Query30.2924
NC_008149:1221637Yersinia pestis Nepal516, complete genome75.4596 %Subject ←→ Query30.5812
NC_012880:1127997*Dickeya dadantii Ech703, complete genome77.7635 %Subject ←→ Query30.9614
NC_006155:3040769Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP 32953, complete genome94.2953 %Subject ←→ Query31.1041
NC_006511:3759550Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. ATCC77.7696 %Subject ←→ Query31.1345
NC_010634:2960000Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/+, complete genome94.2494 %Subject ←→ Query31.2014
NC_012962:3864000*Photorhabdus asymbiotica, complete genome75.2451 %Subject ←→ Query31.492
NC_011149:3895921Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483,77.454 %Subject ←→ Query31.5601
NC_004088:1801819Yersinia pestis KIM, complete genome92.4081 %Subject ←→ Query31.8002
NC_004631:3841975Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi Ty2, complete77.1507 %Subject ←→ Query32.0647
NC_010102:3919999Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi B str. SPB7,76.9638 %Subject ←→ Query32.0708
NC_003197:3971905Salmonella typhimurium LT2, complete genome77.3958 %Subject ←→ Query32.0829
NC_008149:2411161Yersinia pestis Nepal516, complete genome96.9087 %Subject ←→ Query32.2349
NC_011083:3985618Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Heidelberg str. SL476,77.3438 %Subject ←→ Query32.4599
NC_003198:3855157Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18,77.4173 %Subject ←→ Query32.5632
NC_010465:1724000Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YPIII, complete genome94.326 %Subject ←→ Query32.6727
NC_013592:3397304Dickeya dadantii Ech586, complete genome76.9455 %Subject ←→ Query32.6808
NC_010634:1565788Yersinia pseudotuberculosis PB1/+, complete genome77.3958 %Subject ←→ Query33.0113
NC_006155:1567306Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP 32953, complete genome77.6716 %Subject ←→ Query33.2342
NC_012880:3645304Dickeya dadantii Ech703, complete genome75.1746 %Subject ←→ Query33.3293
NC_010159:1861465Yersinia pestis Angola, complete genome97.0864 %Subject ←→ Query33.8947
NC_005810:2613456Yersinia pestis biovar Microtus str. 91001, complete genome99.0717 %Subject ←→ Query33.9433
NC_015224:3191000Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica 105.5R(r) chromosome,84.3168 %Subject ←→ Query34.0665
NC_013592:3618248*Dickeya dadantii Ech586, complete genome78.1679 %Subject ←→ Query34.4581
NC_013421:1545386Pectobacterium wasabiae WPP163, complete genome76.8781 %Subject ←→ Query35.9253
NC_013421:1143500Pectobacterium wasabiae WPP163, complete genome76.6759 %Subject ←→ Query36.4256
NC_012962:3568046Photorhabdus asymbiotica, complete genome77.7451 %Subject ←→ Query37.813
NC_011149:2040396Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483,76.6299 %Subject ←→ Query37.9381
NC_011080:3941909Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport str. SL254,77.5368 %Subject ←→ Query39.4334
NC_012962:1661683Photorhabdus asymbiotica, complete genome78.9246 %Subject ←→ Query40.4188
NC_014541:1165991Ferrimonas balearica DSM 9799 chromosome, complete genome75.6189 %Subject Query51.4043