OUP Neighbours
All OUP similarity hits for an island above 75% are displayed here.
These hits were obtained by means of an all-against-all compositional similarity search across the totality of the database.
The information box contains general and taxonomic information on the host of the query island.
Subject hit lists are open to filtering with regards to the host they reside in.
Donor / Recipient Islands
The options provided at the bottom of the search box will retrieve only possible donors / reciepients.
It is also possible to order the lists by means of highlighted column headings.
Order hit subject list by means of columns.
Subject Host Description - This will list subject hits alphabetically according to their hosts.
Compositional Similarity - Orders subject list by percentage compositional similarity to the query in a descending fashion.
Subject Island D - Default. Lists subject D (Distance) parameter in a ascending format.
Subject Island
Subject is hyperlinked to allow easy access to subject island page.
Proposed Island Flow
Probable movement between query and subject islands is offered in the second last column.
These predictions are calculated with the aid of the D parameter.
This parameter provides an indication of the age of an island.
It should be noted that intermediate hosts between movements may not be excluded.
Arrows and colours indicate the direction of movement.
Green arrows → represents a likely movement from subject to the query.
Blue arrows ← indicates movement from the query to the subject.
Red arrows ←→ displays uncertainty in regards to the direction of movement.