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Query: NC_005140:883857:899795 Vibrio vulnificus YJ016 chromosome II, complete sequence

Start: 899795, End: 900904, Length: 1110

Host Lineage: Vibrio vulnificus; Vibrio; Vibrionaceae; Vibrionales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This is a Biotype 1 hospital isolate from Taiwan. It contains larger chromosomes and >1000 genes as compared to Vibrio cholerae and contains a conjugative plasmid, pYJ016. There are numerous virulence factors including a cytolysin, protease, capsular polysaccharide as well as iron-uptake systems encoded in the genome. This genus is abundant in marine or freshwater environments such as estuaries, brackish ponds, or coastal areas; regions that provide an important reservoir for the organism in between outbreaks of the disease. Vibrio can affect shellfish, finfish, and other marine animals and a number of species are pathogenic for humans. Organisms of this species are opportunistic pathogens that can attack immunocompromised patients and causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of mucous membranes of stomach and intestine), wound infections, and primary septicemia (spread of the organism through the blood). This organism is the major cause of death from eating raw oysters, especially in people with liver damage. It only affects humans and other primates.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
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NC_013421:701005:7394377394377406361200Pectobacterium wasabiae WPP163, complete genomeputative plasmid transfer protein3e-33142
NC_013971:335247:3380583380583392901233Erwinia amylovora ATCC 49946 chromosome, complete genomeplasmid transfer protein8e-32138
NC_013961:3413011:3432092343209234333241233Erwinia amylovora, complete genomehypothetical protein8e-32138
NC_011745:3443371:3446437344643734476871251Escherichia coli ED1a chromosome, complete genomeputative plasmid transfer protein7e-31134
NC_014121:489500:5192025192025203981197Enterobacter cloacae subsp. cloacae ATCC 13047 chromosome, completehypothetical protein2e-30133
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NC_010102:4557037:4574291457429145753941104Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi B str. SPB7,hypothetical protein1e-29130
NC_016816:4129299:4132852413285241340601209Pantoea ananatis LMG 5342, complete genometype IV pilus protein, TraF2e-29130
NC_013592:956829:9599709599709612171248Dickeya dadantii Ech586, complete genomeputative plasmid transfer protein4e-27122
CU928145:4792703:480058548005854801385801Escherichia coli 55989 chromosome, complete genomefragment of conserved hypothetical protein, putative plasmid transfer protein (partial)1e-1688.2
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