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Query: NC_014125:766576 Legionella pneumophila 2300/99 Alcoy chromosome, complete genome

Start: 766576, End: 795767, Length: 29192

Host Lineage: Legionella pneumophila; Legionella; Legionellaceae; Legionellales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This strain (2300/99 Alcoy) belongs to serogroup 1 and is considered endemic in Spanish areas. It was isolated from a patient affected by legionellosis in Alcoy (Spain). One of the most important outbreaks was registered in Murcia (Spain) in 2001, when more than 751 cases of suspected Legionellosis were registered. This organism is a non-marine bacterium usually found growing inside other organisms such as protozoans in aquatic environments. They can also be found in soil, freshwater, and in biofilms. Protozoans may act as bacterial reservoirs.

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

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