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Query: NC_003065:27163:63091 Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. C58 plasmid Ti, complete sequence

Start: 63091, End: 63384, Length: 294

Host Lineage: Agrobacterium fabrum; Agrobacterium; Rhizobiaceae; Rhizobiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This strain is a biovar 1 nopaline-producing strain originally isolated from a cherry tree tumor. Strains of Agrobacterium are classified in three biovars based on their utilisation of different carbohydrates and other biochemical tests. The differences between biovars are determined by genes on the single circle of chromosomal DNA. Biovar differences are not particularly relevant to the pathogenicity of A. tumefaciens, except in one respect: biovar 3 is found worldwide as the pathogen of gravevines. This species causes crown gall disease of a wide range of dicotyledonous (broad-leaved) plants, especially members of the rose family such as apple, pear, peach, cherry, almond, raspberry and roses. Because of the way that it infects other organisms, this bacterium has been used as a tool in plant breeding. Any desired genes, such as insecticidal toxin genes or herbicide-resistance genes, can be engineered into the bacterial DNA, and then inserted into the plant genome. This process shortens the conventional plant breeding process, and allows entirely new (non-plant) genes to be engineered into crops.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_003308:1:296882968829981294Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. C58 plasmid Ti, complete sequencehypothetical protein2e-51200
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NC_010676:2793237:282227828222782822670393Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN chromosome 2, complete sequencehypothetical protein6e-1476.3
NC_007948:4558000:457951045795104579806297Polaromonas sp. JS666, complete genomeputative sarcosine oxidase alpha subunit1e-1374.7
NC_014910:1912552:193278219327821933078297Alicycliphilus denitrificans BC chromosome, complete genomesarcosine oxidase alpha subunit7e-1166.2
NC_007948:4646344:467081346708134671124312Polaromonas sp. JS666, complete genomeputative sarcosine oxidase alpha subunit7e-1165.9
NC_011144:2674242:269414026941402694721582Phenylobacterium zucineum HLK1, complete genomesarcosine oxidase alpha subunit9e-1165.5
NC_015724:339500:353765353765354076312Cupriavidus necator N-1 plasmid BB2p, complete sequencesarcosine oxidase alpha subunit3e-1063.9
NC_013947:4363250:437861743786174378874258Stackebrandtia nassauensis DSM 44728 chromosome, complete genomeferredoxin4e-0960.1
NC_007948:4646344:466141346614134661769357Polaromonas sp. JS666, complete genomehypothetical protein5e-0856.2
NC_011883:2031222:203122220312222031530309Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans str. ATCC 27774,hypothetical protein1e-0755.1
NC_016641:2773757:278662727866272786962336Paenibacillus terrae HPL-003 chromosome, complete genomesarcosine oxidase subunit alpha1e-0652
NC_020064:1854589:185570118557011855949249Serratia marcescens FGI94, complete genomehypothetical protein2e-0651.6
NC_007005:2686551:271049327104932710783291Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, complete genomehypothetical protein4e-0650.1