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CDS with a similar description: spore coat protein YsxE

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
spore coat protein YsxENC_012659:4252000:4266576NC_012659:4252000Bacillus anthracis str. A0248, complete genome
spore coat protein YsxENC_014829:3305762:3316094NC_014829:3305762Bacillus cellulosilyticus DSM 2522 chromosome, complete genome
spore coat protein YsxENC_012472:4255729:4271284NC_012472:4255729Bacillus cereus 03BB102, complete genome
spore coat protein YsxENC_011658:4243561:4257907NC_011658:4243561Bacillus cereus AH187 chromosome, complete genome
spore coat protein YsxENC_011773:4296082:4304249NC_011773:4296082Bacillus cereus AH820 chromosome, complete genome
spore coat protein YsxENC_011725:4428726:4437111NC_011725:4428726Bacillus cereus B4264 chromosome, complete genome
spore coat protein YsxENC_011772:4397599:4404770NC_011772:4397599Bacillus cereus G9842, complete genome
Spore coat protein YsxENC_010184:4287999:4302433NC_010184:4287999Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4, complete genome