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CDS with a similar description: integrase recombinase

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
integrase /recombinase xerDNC_012846:2299282:2301107NC_012846:2299282Bartonella grahamii as4aup, complete genome
Integrase /recombinase xerDNC_005956:1888500:1890432NC_005956:1888500Bartonella henselae str. Houston-1, complete genome
Integrase /recombinase xerDNC_005955:1540838:1542655NC_005955:1540838Bartonella quintana str. Toulouse, complete genome
integrase /recombinaseNC_003888:4314389:4332160NC_003888:4314389Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), complete genome