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Query: NC_016795:1441024:1456868 Brucella abortus A13334 chromosome 1, complete sequence

Start: 1456868, End: 1457056, Length: 189

Host Lineage: Brucella abortus; Brucella; Brucellaceae; Rhizobiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: They are highly infectious, and can be spread through contact with infected animal products or through the air, making them a potential bioterrorism agent. Once the organism has entered the body, it can become intracellular, and enter the blood and lymphatic regions, multiplying inside phagocytes before eventually causing bacteremia (spread of bacteria through the blood). Once the organism has entered the body, it can become intracellular, and enter the blood and lymphatic regions, multiplying inside phagocytes before eventually causing bacteremia (spread of bacteria through the blood). Virulence may depend on a type IV secretion system which may promote intracellular growth by secreting important effector molecules. It is the primary cause of bovine brucellosis, which results in enormous (billions of dollars) economic losses due primarily to reproductive failure and food losses. In man, it causes undulant fever, a long debilitating disease that is treated by protracted administration of antibiotics.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
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NC_010169:957565:961311961311962021711Brucella suis ATCC 23445 chromosome I, complete sequence22 kDa outer membrane protein precursor7e-30129
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NC_013119:942079:945825945825946535711Brucella microti CCM 4915 chromosome 1, complete sequenceouter membrane protein, putative7e-30129
NC_016797:937753:941499941499942209711Brucella suis VBI22 chromosome I, complete sequenceouter membrane protein7e-30129
NC_017244:956554:960285960285960995711Brucella melitensis M28 chromosome chromosome 1, complete sequenceporin7e-30129
NC_017251:937786:941532941532942242711Brucella suis 1330 chromosome I, complete genomeouter membrane protein7e-30129
NC_017246:956868:960587960587961309723Brucella melitensis M5-90 chromosome chromosome I, completeporin6e-30129
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NC_007761:3047321:306501630650163065642627Rhizobium etli CFN 42, complete genomeouter membrane protein1e-0652