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Query: NC_013595:5282207:5288637 Streptosporangium roseum DSM 43021, complete genome

Start: 5288637, End: 5288870, Length: 234

Host Lineage: Streptosporangium roseum; Streptosporangium; Streptosporangiaceae; Actinomycetales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Isolation: Vegetable garden soil; Temp: Mesophile; Temp: 28C; Habitat: Soil. This organism is a common soil bacterium. An aerobic Gram-positive bacterium isolated from vegetable garden soil in 1955.

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Host Information, e.g. soil, Thermo, Russia

SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_016582:11734963:117376771173767711738477801Streptomyces bingchenggensis BCW-1 chromosome, complete genomehypothetical protein1e-1582
NC_013093:626473:641901641901642743843Actinosynnema mirum DSM 43827, complete genometransposase IS4 family protein5e-0649.7
NC_013093:3791912:380187738018773802719843Actinosynnema mirum DSM 43827, complete genometransposase IS4 family protein5e-0649.7