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Query: NC_007517:2820909:2828112 Geobacter metallireducens GS-15, complete genome

Start: 2828112, End: 2828870, Length: 759

Host Lineage: Geobacter metallireducens; Geobacter; Geobacteraceae; Desulfuromonadales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: First isolated from the Potomac river downstream of Washington, DC, USA in 1987. This organism actively moves towards metal attractants such as iron and manganese oxides, which are insoluble, and produces type IV pili for attachment to the insoluble substrates. Common metal-reducing bacterium. This organism, similar to what is observed in Geobacteria sulfurreducens, couples the oxidation of organic molecules to the reduction of iron by using insoluble Fe (III) as an electron acceptor under anaerobic conditions. This bacterium plays an imporant part of the nutrient cycling in aquatic environments. The cell can also use uranium and plutonium, therefore, this organism and may be important for the bioremediation of contaminated waste sites.

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