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Query: NC_016844:547069 Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DAL-1 chromosome, complete

D: 33.9677

Host Lineage: Treponema pallidum; Treponema; Spirochaetaceae; Spirochaetales; Spirochaetes; Bacteria

General Information: This organism is the causative agent of endemic and venereal syphilis. This sexual transmitted disease was first discovered in Europe at the end of the fifteenth century, however, the causative agent was not identified until 1905. At one time syphilis was the third most commonly reported communicable disease in the USA. Syphilis is characterized by multiple clinical stages and long periods of latent, asymptomatic infection. Although effective therapies have been available since the introduction of penicillin, syphilis remains a global health problem.

Number of Neighbours: 26

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Subject IslandSubject Host Description Compositional Similarity Proposed Island FlowSubject Island D
NC_017268:546376*Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum str. Chicago chromosome,92.5827 %Subject ←→ Query33.1192
NC_000919:107373*Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum str. Nichols, complete genome76.8076 %Subject ←→ Query33.8461
NC_016843:547149Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue str. Gauthier chromosome,99.1697 %Subject ←→ Query33.9027
NC_016842:546661Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue str. SamoaD chromosome, complete99.182 %Subject ←→ Query33.9418
NC_010741:107370*Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum SS14, complete genome76.8076 %Subject ←→ Query33.9494
NC_021508:107384*Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum SS14, complete genome76.7708 %Subject ←→ Query34.2656
NC_016844:107382*Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DAL-1 chromosome, complete76.7678 %Subject ←→ Query34.9891
NC_017268:107387*Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum str. Chicago chromosome,76.7678 %Subject ←→ Query35.0316
NC_021508:546592Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum SS14, complete genome99.3045 %Subject ←→ Query35.062
NC_016848:547115Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue str. CDC2 chromosome, complete99.1697 %Subject ←→ Query35.7308
NC_010741:546573Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum SS14, complete genome99.2831 %Subject ←→ Query41.5824
NC_000919:545141Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum str. Nichols, complete genome99.9479 %Subject ←→ Query41.6809
NC_015714:542679Treponema paraluiscuniculi Cuniculi A chromosome, complete genome96.6115 %Subject ←→ Query42.5222