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Query: NC_009442:1865244 Streptococcus suis 05ZYH33 chromosome, complete genome

D: 24.8115

Host Lineage: Streptococcus suis; Streptococcus; Streptococcaceae; Lactobacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: Isolated from a human in Ziyang County, China, 2005. Causative agent of meningitis, endocarditis, septicemia and arthritis in swine. Streptococci are Gram-positive, nonmotile, nonsporeforming, catalase-negative cocci that occur in pairs or chains. Members of this genus vary widely in pathogenic potential. Most streptococci are facultative anaerobes, and some are obligate anaerobes. Serologic grouping is based on antigenic differences in cell wall carbohydrates, in cell wall pili-associated protein, and in the polysaccharide capsule in group B streptococci. Streptococcus suis is a pathogen of pigs and is responsible for a variety of diseases including meningitis, arthritis and pneumonia. Occasionally this organism can infect humans causing septicemia, meningitis and endocarditis.

Number of Neighbours: 48

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandSubject Host Description Compositional Similarity Proposed Island FlowSubject Island D
NC_014494:614809*Streptococcus pneumoniae AP200 chromosome, complete genome75.769 %Subject ←→ Query25.2888
NC_021175:1635796*Streptococcus oligofermentans AS 1.3089, complete genome78.7071 %Subject ←→ Query26.3193
NC_014498:99015Streptococcus pneumoniae 670-6B chromosome, complete genome80.3768 %Subject ←→ Query27.4974
NC_012925:1776450*Streptococcus suis P1/7, complete genome95.3462 %Subject ←→ Query27.5535
NC_012926:140000Streptococcus suis BM407 chromosome, complete genome81.9914 %Subject ←→ Query28.28
NC_012925:275704Streptococcus suis P1/7, complete genome81.3051 %Subject ←→ Query28.6175
NC_021175:845370Streptococcus oligofermentans AS 1.3089, complete genome76.5931 %Subject ←→ Query28.7134
NC_012468:2069238Streptococcus pneumoniae 70585, complete genome77.0956 %Subject ←→ Query28.8615
NC_009442:142500Streptococcus suis 05ZYH33 chromosome, complete genome81.2286 %Subject ←→ Query28.8697
NC_012925:29353Streptococcus suis P1/7, complete genome78.0576 %Subject ←→ Query28.8777
NC_014498:2127000Streptococcus pneumoniae 670-6B chromosome, complete genome78.5447 %Subject ←→ Query29.0808
NC_012924:142500Streptococcus suis SC84, complete genome81.0141 %Subject ←→ Query29.1586
NC_009443:142500Streptococcus suis 98HAH33, complete genome81.3051 %Subject ←→ Query29.1683
NC_012924:1860631*Streptococcus suis SC84, complete genome94.6078 %Subject ←→ Query29.2315
NC_009443:1860390*Streptococcus suis 98HAH33, complete genome94.6385 %Subject ←→ Query29.4139
NC_014498:62891*Streptococcus pneumoniae 670-6B chromosome, complete genome76.5257 %Subject ←→ Query29.4352
NC_012926:1910882*Streptococcus suis BM407 chromosome, complete genome94.6998 %Subject ←→ Query31.9376
NC_009443:29349Streptococcus suis 98HAH33, complete genome79.5987 %Subject ←→ Query32.0237
NC_012924:29353Streptococcus suis SC84, complete genome78.1189 %Subject ←→ Query32.4356
NC_012926:30351Streptococcus suis BM407 chromosome, complete genome78.0116 %Subject ←→ Query32.4386
NC_009442:277392Streptococcus suis 05ZYH33 chromosome, complete genome80.4565 %Subject ←→ Query33.4734
NC_012924:277325Streptococcus suis SC84, complete genome79.9694 %Subject ←→ Query34.369
NC_009443:277246Streptococcus suis 98HAH33, complete genome79.7641 %Subject ←→ Query34.5247
NC_015433:285581Streptococcus suis ST3 chromosome, complete genome80.818 %Subject Query36.3144