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Query: NC_009376:1633283 Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome

D: 39.9632

Host Lineage: Pyrobaculum arsenaticum; Pyrobaculum; Thermoproteaceae; Thermoproteales; Crenarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: Pyrobaculum arsenaticum strain DSM 13514 was isolated from a hot spring at Pisciarelli Solfatara in Italy. Arsenate-reducing hyperthermophile. Pyrobaculum arsenaticum is able to grow both chemolithoautotrophically, using hydrogen as the electron donor, to reduce arsenate, thiosulfate, or elemental sulfur, and organotrophically, using arsenate and thiosulfate as electron acceptors. Pyrobaculum arsenaticum may play an important role in the cycling of arsenic and sulfur in hyperthermal environments.

Number of Neighbours: 46

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandSubject Host Description Compositional Similarity Proposed Island FlowSubject Island D
NC_009073:1614320*Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548, complete genome75.2972 %Subject ←→ Query30.4159
NC_016645:20199*Pyrobaculum sp. 1860 chromosome, complete genome75.7812 %Subject ←→ Query32.4793
NC_009376:1579332*Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome77.4203 %Subject ←→ Query33.4144
NC_009073:1*Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548, complete genome78.5938 %Subject ←→ Query33.9555
NC_009376:1699749*Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome76.155 %Subject ←→ Query34.2656
NC_009376:1551630*Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome77.6042 %Subject ←→ Query34.5544
NC_009376:1442314*Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome76.2531 %Subject ←→ Query34.9062
NC_009376:769199Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome75.3523 %Subject ←→ Query35.1046
NC_009376:1764277*Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome79.0472 %Subject ←→ Query35.3086
NC_016645:1059482*Pyrobaculum sp. 1860 chromosome, complete genome76.6422 %Subject ←→ Query35.3113
NC_016645:1838405*Pyrobaculum sp. 1860 chromosome, complete genome81.1887 %Subject ←→ Query35.359
NC_008701:168662Pyrobaculum islandicum DSM 4184, complete genome77.1661 %Subject ←→ Query35.7004
NC_016885:2181355*Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome76.8229 %Subject ←→ Query36.1503
NC_009073:803372Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548, complete genome75.9957 %Subject ←→ Query36.9771
NC_016885:324793*Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome78.8297 %Subject ←→ Query37.3834
NC_009073:529148*Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548, complete genome81.633 %Subject ←→ Query37.8255
NC_016885:118182*Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome81.1489 %Subject ←→ Query38.2823
NC_016885:276000*Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome81.0447 %Subject ←→ Query38.6716
NC_016885:2091918*Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome81.0876 %Subject ←→ Query39.1538
NC_009376:1465125*Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 chromosome, complete genome75.7996 %Subject ←→ Query39.607
NC_016885:1732257*Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome76.9455 %Subject ←→ Query40.2055
NC_009073:455381*Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548, complete genome75.1899 %Subject ←→ Query45.6197
NC_016885:809000Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome77.6899 %Subject ←→ Query46.7878