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Query: NC_007503:1486000 Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans Z-2901, complete genome

D: 25.2756

Host Lineage: Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans; Carboxydothermus; Thermoanaerobacteraceae; Thermoanaerobacterales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: This strain was isolated from a hot swamp from Kunashir Island, Russia. Carbon monoxide utilizing bacterium. This organism is extremely thermophilic and can utilize carbon monoxide as the sole carbon and energy source under anaerobic conditions with the production of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas.

Number of Neighbours: 5

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Host Accession, e.g. NC_0123..Host Description, e.g. Clostri...
Host Lineage, e.g. archae, Proteo, Firmi...
Host Information, e.g. soil, Thermo, Russia

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandSubject Host Description Compositional Similarity Proposed Island FlowSubject Island D
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NC_015520:595532*Mahella australiensis 50-1 BON chromosome, complete genome76.4675 %Subject ←→ Query31.4658
NC_015520:3060495Mahella australiensis 50-1 BON chromosome, complete genome76.0386 %Subject ←→ Query34.2391
NC_015520:2612767Mahella australiensis 50-1 BON chromosome, complete genome75.7506 %Subject Query35.4815