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Host: NC_003112 NEIGHBOURS BLASTN Download Island sequence Download Island gene sequence(s)

NC_003112:2215184 Neisseria meningitidis MC58, complete genome

Host Lineage: Neisseria meningitidis; Neisseria; Neisseriaceae; Neisseriales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: The B serogroup is responsible for many of the meningitis outbreaks in the developed world. This strain was isolated from a case of invasive infection. Causes septicemia and meningitis. The second of two pathogenic Neisseria, this organism causes septicemia and is the leading cause of life-threatening meningitis (inflammation of the meninges, the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) in children. This organism typically residies in the nasopharynx cavity but can invade the respiratory epthelial barrier, cross into the bloodstream and the blood brain barrier, and cause inflammation of the meninges. Pathogenicity factors include the surface proteins (porins and opacity proteins), and the type IV pilus (which is also found in Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Pathogenicity factors include the surface proteins (porins and opacity proteins), and the type IV pilus (which is also found in Neisseria gonorrhoeae). This organism, like Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is naturally competent, and protein complexes at the cell surface recognize the uptake signal sequence in extracellular DNA, an 8mer that is found at high frequency in Neisseria chromosomal DNA.

This island contains ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

StartEndLengthCDS descriptionQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
221518422166501467malatequinone oxidoreductaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
2216702221679190hypothetical protein
22171872217777591hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22178382218419582hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22184972218730234hypothetical proteinBLASTP
2218903221963172930S ribosomal protein S2QuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22197602220614855elongation factor TsQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22208312221550720uridylate kinaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
222273722241881452mafB proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22241852224541357hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22253432225549207hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22256812225932252hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22259292226300372hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22273482227617270hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22276402227942303hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22286312228975345hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22290132229357345hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22303822230699318hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22313032231509207MafB-related proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22315132231914402hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22320732232417345hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22324512232555105MafB-related proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22325602232916357hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22329642233092129hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22330892233463375hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22344202235406987putative proteaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22354462236246801CinA-related proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
223655922379021344argininosuccinate synthaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
22379502238192243hypothetical proteinBLASTP
22381852238400216hypothetical proteinBLASTP
223847622399421467transferrin-binding protein-related proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
224019722414261230sodiumdicarboxylate symporter family proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
224189922438061908hypothetical proteinBLASTP
224381322480304218hypothetical proteinBLASTP