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Host: NC_003361 NEIGHBOURS BLASTN Download Island sequence Download Island gene sequence(s)

NC_003361:282778 Chlamydophila caviae GPIC, complete genome

Host Lineage: Chlamydophila caviae; Chlamydophila; Chlamydiaceae; Chlamydiales; Chlamydiae; Bacteria

General Information: Causes conjunctivitis in guinea pigs. Bacteria belonging to the Chlamydiales group are obligate intracellular parasites of eukaryotic cells. They are found within vertebrates, invertebrate cells, and amoebae hosts. Chlamydiae are one of the commonest causes of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and if left untreated may cause infertility in women. They are transmitted by direct contact or aerosols, and can cause various diseases, while also being able to coexist with the host in an apparently asymptomatic state. Chlamydophila caviae is the model organism for the study of Chlamydia infections in animals.

This island contains ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

StartEndLengthCDS descriptionQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
2827782841541377GTP-binding protein HflX putativeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
2842772855421266MiaB-like tRNA modifying enzymeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
285539286537999hypothetical proteinBLASTP
2865502887092160glycogen branching enzymeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
2888572906171761hypothetical proteinBLASTP
2908222931672346hypothetical proteinBLASTP
2932112960212811polymorphic outer membrane protein EF family proteinautotransporter putativeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
2960442988692826polymorphic outer membrane protein EF family proteinautotransporter putativeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
2990333018252793polymorphic outer membrane protein EF family proteinautotransporter putativeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
3018523046352784polymorphic outer membrane protein EF family proteinautotransporter putativeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
3048453059811137polymorphic outer membrane protein EF family protein putativeQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
30605230614796hypothetical protein
3063793093242946polymorphic outer membrane protein H family proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP