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CDS with a similar description: flavoprotein affecting synthesis of DNA and pantothenate metabolism

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
Flavoprotein affecting synthesis of DNA and pantothenate metabolismNC_010694:63654:83822NC_010694:63654Erwinia tasmaniensis, complete genome
flavoprotein affecting synthesis of DNA and pantothenate metabolismNC_008253:3896704:3917201NC_008253:3896704Escherichia coli 536, complete genome
flavoprotein affecting synthesis of DNA and pantothenate metabolismNC_007946:4050762:4071187NC_007946:4050762Escherichia coli UTI89, complete genome
Flavoprotein affecting synthesis of DNA and pantothenate metabolismNC_017328:3794105:3815245NC_017328:3794105Shigella flexneri 2002017 chromosome, complete genome