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CDS with a similar description: cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding protein

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
putative cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_014960:72737:91734NC_014960:72737Anaerolinea thermophila UNI-1, complete genome
cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_009848:3631243:3644302NC_009848:3631243Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, complete genome
putative cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_017096:1081904:1081068NC_017096:1081904Caldisericum exile AZM16c01, complete genome
putative cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_017096:1081904:1081904NC_017096:1081904Caldisericum exile AZM16c01, complete genome
putative cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_017297:3787191:3791629NC_017297:3787191Clostridium botulinum F str. 230613 chromosome, complete genome
putative cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_017297:3787191:3792480NC_017297:3787191Clostridium botulinum F str. 230613 chromosome, complete genome
cobalt ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinNC_016070:167362:185240NC_016070:167362Thermoproteus tenax Kra 1, complete genome