Query: NC_016885:679890 Pyrobaculum oguniense TE7 chromosome, complete genome
Start: 679890, End: 702099, Length: 22210
Host Lineage: Pyrobaculum oguniense; Pyrobaculum; Thermoproteaceae; Thermoproteales; Crenarchaeota; Archaea
General Information: Pyrobaculum oguniense is a hyperthermophilic, heterotrophic, rod-shaped archaeon isolated from a terrestrial hot spring at Oguni-cho, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. It grows under aerobic, microaerobic and anaerobic conditions: the optimal temperature and pH for growth are between 90-94 degrees C and pH 7.0-7.5. This organism can use sulfur and thiosulfate for growth under anaerobic conditions. Location: Japan, Tsuetate Hot Spring, Kumamoto prefecture.