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Query: NC_020389:2996978 Methanosarcina mazei Tuc01, complete genome

Start: 2996978, End: 3022517, Length: 25540

Host Lineage: Methanosarcina mazei; Methanosarcina; Methanosarcinaceae; Methanosarcinales; Euryarchaeota; Archaea

General Information: This organism is a strictly anaerobic, non-motile, methane-producing archaeon. This organism can also aggregate forming large irregular shaped clumps of cells. Occasionally these aggregates can grow to 1000 microns or more in diameter. Growth occurs at pH 5.5-8.0, with optimum growth at pH 6.8-7.2. Growth occurs at pH 5.5-8.0, with optimum growth at pH 6.8-7.2. Can be found in decaying leaf litter, garden soil, sewage treatment sludge digestors, black mud, feces of herbivores and other urban waste and sewage products.

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

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