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Query: NC_016111:2892391 Streptomyces cattleya NRRL 8057, complete genome

Start: 2892391, End: 2910599, Length: 18209

Host Lineage: Streptomyces cattleya; Streptomyces; Streptomycetaceae; Actinomycetales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Streptomyces cattleya, a producer of the antibiotics thienamycin and cephamycin C, is one of the rare bacteria known to synthesize fluorinated metabolites. Gram-positive bacterium originally isolated from soil. The bacterium Streptomyces cattleya has become an organism of interest due to its ability to produce various antibiotics (thienamycin, cephamycin C, penicillin N) and to excrete the fluorinated antibiotic 4-fluorothreonine when cultivated in the presence of fluorine.

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