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Query: NC_012982:1569426 Hirschia baltica ATCC 49814, complete genome

Start: 1569426, End: 1593501, Length: 24076

Host Lineage: Hirschia baltica; Hirschia; Hyphomonadaceae; Rhodobacterales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Temp: Mesophile; Habitat: Marine. Strain IFAM 1418 (ATCC 49814) was isolated from the top 5cm of water in Kiel Fjord on the Baltic Sea, Germany in October 1982 and is the type strain for this species. Hirschia baltica has a biphasic life style, which consists of a motile phase of flagellated swarmer cells and a cessile phase in which a long prosthecate is produced at one end of the bacteria through which budding cells emerge. Newly budded cells in turn produce flagella and go through a motile phase and the cycle continues. These organisms can colonize the surfaces of marine environments which enables additional species to colonize at later stages.

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