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Query: NC_011296:1821244 Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii DSM 11347, complete genome

Start: 1821244, End: 1844206, Length: 22963

Host Lineage: Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii; Thermodesulfovibrio; Nitrospiraceae; Nitrospirales; Nitrospirae; Bacteria

General Information: This thermophilic sulfate-reducing organism was isolated from a thermal vent in Yellowstone Lake in Wyoming, USA. It has the ability to use sulfate, thiosulfate, and sulfite as terminal electron acceptors. Pyruvate can support fermentative growth.

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionE-valueBit scoreVisual BLASTNVisual BLASTP
NC_011296:909558*90955893630226745Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii DSM 11347, complete genome02163BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
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