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Query: NC_011026:3009500 Chloroherpeton thalassium ATCC 35110, complete genome

Start: 3009500, End: 3041099, Length: 31600

Host Lineage: Chloroherpeton thalassium; Chloroherpeton; Chlorobiaceae; Chlorobiales; Chlorobi; Bacteria

General Information: Chloroherpeton thalassium is a non-filamentous, flexing and gliding green sulfur bacterium isolated from marine sources off the North East coast of the USA in the 1980s. This organism is the most distant member of the green sulfur bacteria and is commonly found in aquatic microbial mats. Chloroherpeton thalassium is distinct from the other green sulfur bacteria in that it grows as a filamentous rod and is capable of gliding motility. Chloroherpeton thalassium is a photolithotroph, obtaining energy by anoxygenic photosynthesis using sulfide or sulfur as the electron donor. The photosynthetic apparatus consist of membrane-bound iron/sulfur reaction center associated with a light absorbing organelle, the chlorosome.

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