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Query: NC_009953:691686 Salinispora arenicola CNS-205 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 691686, End: 715674, Length: 23989

Host Lineage: Salinispora arenicola; Salinispora; Micromonosporaceae; Actinomycetales; Actinobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Found in marine sediment, this organism produces cancer-fighting compounds. Salinispora strains are commonly isolated from tropical marine sediment. Members of this genus produce branched hyphae and require media which contain seawater or sodium. A survey of the cultured species identified over 90 isolates which produce compounds that inhibited cancer cells. These organisms may be a new source of bioactive chemicals for use in disease and cancer treatments. Salinispora arenicola produces the bioactive compounds staurosporine and rifamycin which may be useful in the treatment of cancer.

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