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Query: NC_009925:4271140 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017, complete genome

Start: 4271140, End: 4294728, Length: 23589

Host Lineage: Acaryochloris marina; Acaryochloris; ; Chroococcales; Cyanobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017 was isolated from algae from the coast of the Palau Islands in the western Pacific. Marine cyanobacterium. Acaryochloris marina was first isolated as an epiphyte of algae. M. marina been isolated from a variety of habitats and locations, usually associated with algae but also as free-living organisms. This cyanobacterium produces an atypical photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll d, as the major reactive agent. The oxygenic photosynthesis based on this pigment may have evolved as an acclimatization to far-red light environments, or an as intermediate between the red-absorbing oxygenic and the far-red-absorbing anoxygenic photosynthesis that uses bacteriochlorophylls. Because of the unusual ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll d in this organism, it has been used as a model to study the spectrographic characteristics of the two pigments.

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