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Query: NC_009655:1357486 Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z chromosome, complete genome

Start: 1357486, End: 1379180, Length: 21695

Host Lineage: Actinobacillus succinogenes; Actinobacillus; Pasteurellaceae; Pasteurellales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Succinate-producing bacterium. Originally isolated from bovine rumen, this species is one of the most promising succinate producers known. It can utilize a variety of sugars and produce a very high volume of succinate, which is used by the pharmaceutical industry. This organism has been improved over time by growth on fermentable carbon and sodium monofluoroacetate and selection of fluoroacetate-resistant mutants which have a higher succinate yield. The succinate yield has also been improved via a metabolic engineering approach, by cloning and overproducing the PEP-carboxykinase gene which catalyzes the addition of carbon dioxide to PEP to form oxalacetate and can work physiologically in both directions

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