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Query: NC_009633:587562 Alkaliphilus metalliredigens QYMF chromosome, complete genome

Start: 587562, End: 608246, Length: 20685

Host Lineage: Alkaliphilus metalliredigens; Alkaliphilus; Clostridiaceae; Clostridiales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: This bacterium is an alkiphilic, moderately halophilic metal-reducing bacterium isolated from borax leachate ponds. It can reduce iron and other metals under alkaline conditions.

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

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NC_009922:2721343*2721343276393542593Alkaliphilus oremlandii OhILAs, complete genome1e-0869.9BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
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