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Query: NC_007775:2546833 Synechococcus sp. JA-3-3Ab, complete genome

Start: 2546833, End: 2570973, Length: 24141

Host Lineage: Synechococcus; Synechococcus; Synechococcaceae; Chroococcales; Cyanobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Also known as Cyanobacteria Yellowstone A-Prime, this organism represents a group of Cyanobacteria that is commonly identified in surface and subsurface layers of hot spring microbial mats.

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionE-valueBit scoreVisual BLASTNVisual BLASTP
NC_007775:27020452702045272109919055Synechococcus sp. JA-3-3Ab, complete genome7e-115422BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_000911:1611500*1611500164476733268Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, complete genome1e-1179.8BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_009937:311242*31124233077419533Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 571, complete genome3e-0661.9BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_002932:18510701851070187809927030Chlorobium tepidum TLS, complete genome3e-0661.9BLASTN svgBLASTP svg