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Query: NC_007484:3429140 Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC 19707, complete genome

Start: 3429140, End: 3453492, Length: 24353

Host Lineage: Nitrosococcus oceani; Nitrosococcus; Chromatiaceae; Chromatiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Found in marine or saline environments. Ammonia-oxidizing bacterium. This species, along with Nitrosococcus halophilus, are ammonia-oxidizing bacteria found within the gamma subdivision of Proteobacteria. This organism has two surface layers, and produces a central stack of intracytoplasmic membranes (flattened vesicles).

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

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NC_007645:1336227*1336227136476028534Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396, complete genome5e-0867.9BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_015730:1107840*1107840113310925270Roseobacter litoralis Och 149 chromosome, complete genome7e-0763.9BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_015594:579354*57935460476625413Sphingobium chlorophenolicum L-1 chromosome chromosome 2, complete7e-0763.9BLASTN svgBLASTP svg