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Query: NC_002663:62500 Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70, complete genome

Start: 62500, End: 86531, Length: 24032

Host Lineage: Pasteurella multocida; Pasteurella; Pasteurellaceae; Pasteurellales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida str. Pm70 was isolated in 1995 from a case of fowl cholera in chickens. Pathogen in humans, swine and poultry. This organism was one of the first pathogens ever sudied, and is named after Louis Pasteur, who used it in his vaccination studies in the 1880s. This organism usually resides in the mucous membranes of the intestinal, genital, and respiratory tissues and is an opportunistic pathogen that causes cholera in fowl, bovine hemorrhagic septicemia, and porcine atrophic rhinitis. Collectively these diseases cause millions of dollars in lost livestock every year. The organism can also infect humans if they are bitten by dogs and cats, which are carriers of the organism, but which are asymptomatic. This organism also expresses a hydrophilic capsule that inhibits phagocytosis and complemented-mediated attack.

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