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Query: NC_002662:447236 Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Il1403, complete genome

Start: 447236, End: 470962, Length: 23727

Host Lineage: Lactococcus lactis; Lactococcus; Streptococcaceae; Lactobacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: This strain is used widely in laboratory research and is a plasmid-free derivative of strain IL594 isolated from a cheese starter culture. Microorganism used in cheese production. This microbe is a member of the lactic acid bacteria and produces lactic acid from sugars. It is found in many environments including plant and animal habitats. Lactococcus lactis is used as a starter culture for the production of cheese products (such as cheddar) and in milk fermentations and, as such, is one of the most important microbes in the food industry. The degradation of casein, acidification by lactic acid, and production of flavor compounds, processes that are caused by the bacteria, contribute to the final product.

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Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

Subject IslandStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionE-valueBit scoreVisual BLASTNVisual BLASTP
NC_002662:10425461042546106086318318Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Il1403, complete genome02492BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_002662:14189701418970144279523826Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Il1403, complete genome01118BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_008527:10367571036757105542518669Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris SK11, complete genome0942BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_013656:15496341549634157223122598Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis KF147, complete genome3e-89337BLASTN svgBLASTP svg
NC_013656:10716671071667109019818532Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis KF147, complete genome2e-44188BLASTN svgBLASTP svg