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Query: NC_016778:1216739:1235325 Brucella canis HSK A52141 chromosome 1, complete sequence

Start: 1235325, End: 1236002, Length: 678

Host Lineage: Brucella canis; Brucella; Brucellaceae; Rhizobiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: They are highly infectious, and can be spread through contact with infected animal products or through the air, making them a potential bioterrorism agent. Once the organism has entered the body, it can become intracellular, and enter the blood and lymphatic regions, multiplying inside phagocytes before eventually causing bacteremia (spread of bacteria through the blood). Once the organism has entered the body, it can become intracellular, and enter the blood and lymphatic regions, multiplying inside phagocytes before eventually causing bacteremia (spread of bacteria through the blood). Virulence may depend on a type IV secretion system which may promote intracellular growth by secreting important effector molecules. This bacterium is the causative agent of canine brucellosis.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
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