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Query: NC_016778:1216739:1230569 Brucella canis HSK A52141 chromosome 1, complete sequence

Start: 1230569, End: 1232089, Length: 1521

Host Lineage: Brucella canis; Brucella; Brucellaceae; Rhizobiales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: They are highly infectious, and can be spread through contact with infected animal products or through the air, making them a potential bioterrorism agent. Once the organism has entered the body, it can become intracellular, and enter the blood and lymphatic regions, multiplying inside phagocytes before eventually causing bacteremia (spread of bacteria through the blood). Once the organism has entered the body, it can become intracellular, and enter the blood and lymphatic regions, multiplying inside phagocytes before eventually causing bacteremia (spread of bacteria through the blood). Virulence may depend on a type IV secretion system which may promote intracellular growth by secreting important effector molecules. This bacterium is the causative agent of canine brucellosis.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
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NC_015857:1954173:1960889196088919624121524Brucella pinnipedialis B2/94 chromosome chromosome 1, completeintimin/invasin family protein0947
NC_010169:1739402:1746118174611817476471530Brucella suis ATCC 23445 chromosome I, complete sequencehypothetical protein0945
NC_013119:1932402:1939118193911819406441527Brucella microti CCM 4915 chromosome 1, complete sequenceintimin/invasin family protein0940
NC_012441:1940545:1948255194825519494031149Brucella melitensis ATCC 23457 chromosome I, complete sequencesulfated surface glycoprotein 185 precursor0706
NC_006932:1939145:1946855194685519483741520Brucella abortus biovar 1 str. 9-941 chromosome I, complete0690
NC_007618:1937261:1944339194433919454931155Brucella melitensis biovar Abortus 2308 chromosome I, complete0689
NC_016795:456110:4699154699154710571143Brucella abortus A13334 chromosome 1, complete sequenceintimin0685
NC_017246:1942293:1949009194900919501241116Brucella melitensis M5-90 chromosome chromosome I, completeSulfated surface glycoprotein 1850684
NC_017244:1941974:1948690194869019498051116Brucella melitensis M28 chromosome chromosome 1, complete sequencesulfated surface glycoprotein 185 precursor0684
NC_010742:1938428:1945506194550619466481143Brucella abortus S19 chromosome 1, complete sequenceintimin/invasin family protein0682
NC_003317:48375:6265662656637021047Brucella melitensis 16M chromosome I, complete sequenceHypothetical Membrane Spanning Protein0638
NC_009505:1928000:193534519353451936229885Brucella ovis ATCC 25840 chromosome I, complete sequenceintimin/invasin family protein9e-155547
NC_009505:1928000:193386819338681934560693Brucella ovis ATCC 25840 chromosome I, complete sequenceintimin/invasin family protein4e-109395
NC_017248:1933357:194120919412091941583375Brucella melitensis NI chromosome chromosome I, complete sequenceIntimin/invasin family protein7e-60231