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Query: NC_015672:2236000:2245761 Flexistipes sinusarabici DSM 4947 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 2245761, End: 2245878, Length: 118

Host Lineage: Flexistipes sinusarabici; Flexistipes; Deferribacteraceae; Deferribacterales; Deferribacteres; Bacteria

General Information: Country: Red Sea; Environment: Marine; Isolation: Brine water; Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea; Temp: Thermophile; Temp: 45 - 50C. This is a gram-negative flexible bacterium isolated from brine water samples of the Atlantis II Deep of the Red Sea at a depth of 2000 m. Halophilic and moderately thermophilic.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_015672:2102580:210795021079502108067118Flexistipes sinusarabici DSM 4947 chromosome, complete genome5S ribosomal RNA6e-1475.9