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Query: NC_015510:6226482:6235587 Haliscomenobacter hydrossis DSM 1100 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 6235587, End: 6236783, Length: 1197

Host Lineage: Haliscomenobacter hydrossis; Haliscomenobacter; Saprospiraceae; Sphingobacteriales; Bacteroidetes; Bacteria

General Information: Country: Netherlands; Environment: Sludge; Isolation: sludge (activated sludge, Oss); Temp: Mesophile. This is a sheathed bacterium isolated from activated sludge.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_015510:6653159:6677563667756366787801218Haliscomenobacter hydrossis DSM 1100 chromosome, complete genomehypothetical protein4e-23109