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Query: NC_015152:2831566:2848313 Spirochaeta sp. Buddy chromosome, complete genome

Start: 2848313, End: 2848792, Length: 480

Host Lineage: Sphaerochaeta globosa; Sphaerochaeta; Spirochaetaceae; Spirochaetales; Spirochaetes; Bacteria

General Information: Country: Russia; Environment: Hot spring, Marine; Isolation: Marine hot spring; USSR, Shiashkoten island; Temp: Hyperthermophile; Temp: 65C. This is a genus of spirochetes with a flexible, undulating, spiral-shaped body.

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NC_014654:895298:915929915929916417489Halanaerobium sp. 'sapolanicus' chromosome, complete genomeRubrerythrin2e-21101