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Query: NC_014933:1081844:1099820 Bacteroides helcogenes P 36-108 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 1099820, End: 1100242, Length: 423

Host Lineage: Bacteroides helcogenes; Bacteroides; Bacteroidaceae; Bacteroidales; Bacteroidetes; Bacteria

General Information: Environment: Host; Isolation: Pig faeces; Temp: Mesophile. This group of microbes constitute the most abundant members of the intestinal microflora of mammals. Typically they are symbionts, but they can become opportunistic pathogens in the peritoneal (intra-abdominal) cavity. This organism produces many extracellular enzymes which assist in the breakdown of complex plant polysaccharides such as cellulose and hemicellulose and host-derived polysaccharides such as mucopolysaccharides. This species has been isolated from abscesses in pigs.

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