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Query: NC_014623:6950638:6961283 Stigmatella aurantiaca DW4/3-1 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 6961283, End: 6962380, Length: 1098

Host Lineage: Stigmatella aurantiaca; Stigmatella; Cystobacteraceae; Myxococcales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Social gliding soil bacterium. Stigmatella aurantica, commonly isolated from rotting wood and bark, is a member of a group of organisms called myxobacteria. These organisms have a complex development and differentiation life cycle. When cell density increases, the organism switches to "social motility" where aggregates of cells can gather together into masses termed fruiting bodies that may consist of up to 100,000 cells. Stigmatella aurantica produces a number of compounds, such as aurafuron A and stigmatellin, which may be important as anti-cancer agents.

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