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Query: NC_014551:2510000:2549215 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens DSM 7, complete genome

Start: 2549215, End: 2549586, Length: 372

Host Lineage: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens; Bacillus; Bacillaceae; Bacillales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: Originally isolated from infested soil in Germany. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is a member of a group of free-living soil bacteria known to promote plant growth and suppress plant pathogens. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is able to degrade myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytate), making phosphorus more available to plants. This organism also produces antifungal and antibacterial substances, such as bacillomycin D, surfactin, and bacillaene, which protect the plant from pathogenic organisms. In addition, proteases and amylases produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens are used in industrial applications.

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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_020410:2509057:251605125160512516308258Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum UCMB5036 completeUncharacterized protein yqbE1e-37154
NC_000964:2670288:268243326824332683368936Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168, complete genomehypothetical protein2e-2097.8
NC_014976:627935:668245668245669180936Bacillus subtilis BSn5 chromosome, complete genomeputative phage capsid protein7e-2095.9
UCMB5137:861734:866236866236867171936Bacillus atrophaeus UCMB-5137BATR1942_03955; putative capsid protein; PBSZ phage; (location [783607:784543] strand +); from Bacillus atrophaeus 1942, complete genome. [CP002207]9e-1475.5
NC_009848:2755874:277098227709822771905924Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032, complete genomehypothetical protein9e-0958.9