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Query: NC_012483:483425:488989 Acidobacterium capsulatum ATCC 51196, complete genome

Start: 488989, End: 489636, Length: 648

Host Lineage: Acidobacterium capsulatum; Acidobacterium; Acidobacteriaceae; Acidobacteriales; Acidobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Isolated from acidic mine drainage in Yanahara mine, Okayama, Japan. Acidophilic bacterium. This genus comprises a number of species commonly found in water reservoirs, microbial mats, many different soil types, marine and freshwater sediments, as well as in hot-spring mats and sediments, etc. Furthermore, they sometimes form the dominant group in a habitat. These bacteria are involved in the first step of destruction of biologically complex molecules produced by autotrophic (capable of synthesizing their own nutrients) microorganisms. Acidobacterium capsulatum is an aerobic, mesophilic, chemo-organotroph able to use a variety of carbon sources and to grow up to pH 6.0. The species comprises several strains characterized by orange pigmentation, production of menoquinones as their sole quinones, and branched-chain iso fatty acids as their cell envelope components.

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