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Query: NC_011060:514874:551811 Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme BU-1, complete genome

Start: 551811, End: 552362, Length: 552

Host Lineage: Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme; Pelodictyon; Chlorobiaceae; Chlorobiales; Chlorobi; Bacteria

General Information: Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiformeBU-1 was isolated from lake water in 1989. This organism is a phototrophic green sulfur bacteria that inhabits hydrogen sulfide-containing water and freshwater mud, brackish waters and marine environments. This organism forms net-like microcolonies and contains gas vescicles. It is believed that the gas vesicles provide the buoyancy necessary to keep the cell at the optimal depth for photosynthesis.

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