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Query: NC_011059:2478075:2504848 Prosthecochloris aestuarii DSM 271, complete genome

Start: 2504848, End: 2505282, Length: 435

Host Lineage: Prosthecochloris aestuarii; Prosthecochloris; Chlorobiaceae; Chlorobiales; Chlorobi; Bacteria

General Information: This species is a green sulfur bacterium which forms sedimentary biofilm layers. It has been shown to be associated with coral killed by Black-Band Disease (BBD) a microbial infection of larger coral species. This is a concern for reef conservationists as the larger species are responsible for coral scaffolds, and their reduction by disease would have considerable impact on the reef structure. While there is currently no cause-and-effect link between Prosthecochloris aestuarii and BBD, the species was found on coral which was killed by the disease and was not found on healthy coral or in the surrounding seawater.

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