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Query: NC_010162:5631325:5645767 Sorangium cellulosum 'So ce 56', complete genome

Start: 5645767, End: 5646351, Length: 585

Host Lineage: Sorangium cellulosum; Sorangium; Polyangiaceae; Myxococcales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Sorangium cellulosum 'So ce 56' produces a large number of bioactive compounds, such as, the antifungal soraphen and the anticancer agent epothilone. This organism, like other myxobacteria, undergoes a complex development and differentiation pathway. When cell density increases, the organism switches to "social motility" where aggregates of cells can gather together into masses termed fruiting bodies that may consist of up to 100 000 cells. The motility system is not dependent on flagella like most bacteria, but instead relies on twitching pili: short extracellular appendages that may function analogously to oars in a rowboat. The myxobacteria have proved to be a rich source of novel natural products. Sorangium cellulosum produces a number of antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic substances which are being studies for therapeutic applications.

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