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Query: NC_009832:426993:436410 Serratia proteamaculans 568, complete genome

Start: 436410, End: 437447, Length: 1038

Host Lineage: Serratia proteamaculans; Serratia; Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Isolated as a root endophyte from Populus trichocarpa. This species is associated with a serious form of pneumonia in humans, and is the causal agent of amber disease in the grass grub. Interestingly, it also contains an inducible activator which promotes the growth of soybeans under greenhouse conditions.

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Host Accession, e.g. NC_0123..Host Description, e.g. Clostri...
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SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
NC_015567:346500:3648233648233658931071Serratia sp. AS9 chromosome, complete genomehypothetical protein3e-163574
NC_015566:345084:3646373646373657071071Serratia sp. AS12 chromosome, complete genomehypothetical protein3e-163574
NC_009832:4564752:458441445844144584722309Serratia proteamaculans 568, complete genomehypothetical protein2e-33143