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Query: NC_009665:3869904:3894305 Shewanella baltica OS185 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 3894305, End: 3894928, Length: 624

Host Lineage: Shewanella baltica; Shewanella; Shewanellaceae; Alteromonadales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: A psychrophilic bacterium. This genus includes species that inhabit a wide range of environments and are capable of utilizing a wide variety of electron acceptors during anaerobic respiration including some insoluble metal oxides while using very few carbon sources such as lactate or acetate. This group of organisms have been studied extensively for their electron transport systems. This species is differentiated from other Shewanella spp. based on its ability to grow at 4 degrees C but not at 37, production of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, lack of chymotrypsin, and ability to use a variety of complex carbon compounds as carbon and energy sources.

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