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Query: NC_009253:529494:539708 Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1 chromosome, complete genome

Start: 539708, End: 540040, Length: 333

Host Lineage: Desulfotomaculum reducens; Desulfotomaculum; Peptococcaceae; Clostridiales; Firmicutes; Bacteria

General Information: Uranium- and chromium-reducing sediment bacterium. Desulfotomaculum reducens is able to reduce uranium and chromium making it a potential agent for the bioremediation of heavy metals. This organism was isolated from heavy metal-contaminated marine sediment collected at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard on the San Francisco Bay, USA.

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Host Information, e.g. soil, Thermo, Russia

SubjectStartEndLengthSubject Host DescriptionCDS descriptionE-valueBit score
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NC_013849:376676:379188379188379562375Ferroglobus placidus DSM 10642 chromosome, complete genomeDNA polymerase beta domain protein region4e-0753.5
NC_012883:38308:436704367043984315Thermococcus sibiricus MM 739, complete genomePredicted nucleotidyltransferase5e-0753.1
NC_015865:1468689:150027015002701500575306Thermococcus sp. 4557 chromosome, complete genomeDNA polymerase beta domain-containing protein2e-0651.6
NC_013849:1595924:160752416075241607838315Ferroglobus placidus DSM 10642 chromosome, complete genomeDNA polymerase beta domain protein region2e-0651.2
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