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Query: NC_008347:174000:209202 Maricaulis maris MCS10, complete genome

Start: 209202, End: 209894, Length: 693

Host Lineage: Maricaulis maris; Maricaulis; Hyphomonadaceae; Rhodobacterales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: Marine oligotrophs. Maricaulis maris MCS10 was isolated from Puget Sound in Washington, USA. Formerly Caulobacter maris, this organism inhabits marine environments and plays an important part in biogeochemical cycling of organic nutrients. This bacterium undergoes an unusual developmental cycle in which a swarming motile cell becomes a stalked cell that is attached to a solid surface. The stalked cell then undergoes asymmetric cell division and produces one flagellated motile daughter cell and one stalked daughter cell.

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