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Query: NC_008260:2021162:2037216 Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2, complete genome

Start: 2037216, End: 2037590, Length: 375

Host Lineage: Alcanivorax borkumensis; Alcanivorax; Alcanivoracaceae; Oceanospirillales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This bacterium was isolated from a seawater sediment sample in the North Sea. The species is able to use Mihagol-S (C14,15-n-alkanes) as a principal carbon source. Using n-alkanes as a sole carbon source causes the strains to produce extracellular and membrane-bound surface-active glucose lipids. Phenotypic analysis showed a restricted nutritional profile, high halotolerance, the absence of fermentative metabolism, and a low G+C content. This, in combination with a 16S phylogenetic study, allowed the placing of this organism into a new genus.

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